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Insurance Solutions

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SC 29406

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Is There A Different Between Insuring A Boat And A Yacht?

Many residents of South Carolina own either a boat or a yacht. If you are one of these residents and are looking to get insurance for your vessel, you might be wondering whether there is a difference between insuring a boat or a yacht. Just based on appearance, yachts are vessels over 27 feet in length, while boats measure 26 feet or less in length.

Here are the differences between boat and yacht insurance that the insurance experts at South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions want you to know. 

Boat And Yacht Insurance: What You Need To Know

Navigational limit

Boat and yacht insurance have varying navigational limits. Typically, yacht insurance offers a significantly larger navigational limit than boat insurance. 

Overland transportation

Boat insurance typically provides coverage for unlimited overland transportation. On the other hand, yacht insurance usually only allows for several hundred miles of overland transportation.


Yacht insurance allows for up to a 3% deductible for hull damage coverage, and the deductibles on windstorm loss, marine electronics loss, and total loss can vary depending on the policy. In contrast, boat insurance only offers fixed deductibles, usually $250, $500, and $1000. 

Liability coverage

The liability coverage for yacht insurance is significantly broader than what is available with boat insurance. Yacht insurance is designed to offer broader liability coverage to deal with the increased risk of having a larger vessel, a larger crew, and the effects of maritime law. If the captain or a crew member of a yacht is injured on the job, they can sue their employer/ yacht owner under federal law. 


Traditionally, yacht policies have warranties like navigational limit territories, seaworthiness, and navigational lay-up limits. Boat policies don’t require warranties, although some insurers opt to include them.

Contact Us Today

Are you looking for boat or yacht insurance? Call one of our experienced insurance advisors at (833) 359-0725.

Tips for Living in a Flood Zone

If you live in a flood zone, you know that the flood season can be a stressful time. The constant threat of rising waters can make it difficult to relax and enjoy your home. However, there are a few things you can do to help reduce your stress levels and make the most of your situation. By taking some simple precautions and being prepared for the worst, you can minimize the impact of flooding on your life. South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions provides you with the following guide for living in a flood zone.

Tips for Living in a Flood Zone

1. Know Your Risk

The first step to reducing your stress during flood season is to know your risk. If you live in a high-risk area, you will need to take more precautions than those who live in a lower-risk area. Be sure to check your local flood maps and talk to your insurance advisor to determine your level of risk.

2. Have a Plan

Once you know your risk, you can start to prepare a plan. If you live in a high-risk area, you should have an evacuation route planned out. Be sure to practice your route and make sure everyone in your household knows where to go. You should also have an emergency kit prepared with food, water, and other supplies.

3. Get Flood Insurance

For those who live in a designated flood zone, purchasing flood insurance is not optional – it is required by most mortgage lenders. Remember, your homeowner’s insurance policy probably doesn’t cover flooding, and even if it does, the coverage is likely to be limited. A separate flood insurance policy can financially help protect your home and belongings from flood damage.

Get Flood Insurance in South Carolina

For those living in a flood zone, it’s important to know your risk and be prepared. Insurance Solutions can help you assess your risk to help you select a flood insurance policy to fit your needs. For more information on how to protect your most valuable asset or to get a quote, call us today at (833) 359-0725.

Top 5 Distracted Driving Habits and How to Avoid Them

At South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions, we make shopping for auto insurance convenient and affordable. Here we take on an important topic that affects almost all drivers.

Many of us have been guilty of distracted driving at one point or another, and modern technology like cell phones, in-car entertainment systems, upgraded stereo systems, and more make it harder to keep our focus on the road. Below are five quick and easy tips on avoiding distracted driving to keep yourself, your passengers, and others as safe as possible.

Limit Cell Phone Usage to an Emergency: When driving, your cell phone should only be used for an emergency. While hands-free driving technology that is found in every modern vehicle is extremely convenient, it can still cause you to miss key visual and audio clues needed to avoid an accident.

Don’t Drive Drowsy: Drowsiness is one of the leading causes of accidents in the United States. Your ability to react and make safe decisions while driving is diminished if you feel tired or are taking certain medications. Let someone else drive or call a rideshare service to reach your destination safely.

Stay Clear of Food: While it can be tempting to consume a meal while on the go, spilling food or taking your hands off the wheel to grab a bite means that your eyes are off the road and may put you and your passengers in danger. Instead, pull over for the few minutes it takes to eat your food.

Focus on Driving: Whether you have a long commute or make frequent road trips, the more time you spend in the car, the more tempting it may be to take care of other tasks like talking to your friends, text messaging, or finding a new podcast. Be smart and keep 100% of your focus on your vehicle and the others on the road.

Safety First: Protect the lives of any children in your care by utilizing age-appropriate safeguards and keep your pets clear of entry to the front seats. Secure any cargo that may move around while your vehicle in in motion. Always wear your seat belt and drive sober and drug-free.

Contact our experienced insurance advisors today to find out how safe driving behaviors can be rewarded. Depending on your individual insurance needs, multicar or multi-policy discounts, in addition to safe driver discounts, can be applied to help you save money too!

How commercial insurance can help your small business

All businesses face risks, but small businesses, which comprise about 99% of all businesses,  are at even more risk. As much as 45% of small businesses won’t survive for 5 years. That is daunting, to say the least, but you don’t have to be one of those businesses. Commercial insurance can help protect your business from many of the bad things that can threaten it. At South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions, we will find and explain the available insurance options for your business.

If you have commercial property insurance and your business is damaged by a covered peril, you will be able to rebuild. Even if you just rent, it will help you to replace or repair all the things you need to do business. Depending on the type of business you have, it could be machinery, inventory, raw materials, tools, office furniture, electronics, and more. Without insurance, you would have to close your doors, maybe forever.

If you have commercial liability insurance, you will be able to survive legal action against you. One in three small businesses is involved in legal action every year, which makes your chance of being sued pretty good. It can bankrupt your business to have to pay a settlement and legal fees if you don’t have insurance.

Commercial business interruption insurance means the difference between being able to pay your bills and not being able to pay if your business has to close temporarily for a covered reason. It can help to pay rent and utilities, employee salaries, and even your salary. Without this important insurance, you might have to close your doors forever.

Workers Compensation coverage can pay medical bills and lost wages for an injured employee. While the state of S.C. does not require Workers Compensation coverage until you have four employees (which can include volunteers and uninsured sub-contractors), your liability for their injuries on the job begins the date of their first hire.

Cyber liability insurance can protect your business from data breaches and other cyber security issues with a number of coverage options. It can cover costs from business disruption, lost revenue, legal fees, forensic analysis, public relations, and mandated notification expenses.

Contact Insurance Solutions to discuss what commercial insurance products will work best for you. Give us a call or stop by one of our offices in Charleston, Columbia, or Seneca for a no-obligation quote.

What Your Home Insurance Protects

If you’re buying a home for the first time and need to purchase insurance to satisfy your mortgage lender, make sure you understand what your policy covers in the event of a claim. Many people are unaware of the different coverage types and optional coverages you can add to make sure your home and belongings are protected. For instance, replacement cost is an optional coverage which can help rebuild your home in the same spot, with the same size and quality of construction, at today’s costs. At Insurance Solutions, we can help you understand the terminology in your policy to determine if the coverages and limits are sufficient to protect your investment.

The Scope of Your Policy

Depending on the type of policy, homeowners insurance is surprisingly broad in its scope and will cover many different elements of your home. It will cover the dwelling itself and your personal property in it, subject to the policy limitations and deductibles selected.

But what about protecting you and your family? Let’s take a deeper look to find out what you can expect on this coverage front.

Personal Protection

Your home insurance can protect you and your family in a few different ways. The most obvious is your liability protection which helps to pay for injuries suffered by others on your property. This minimizes your financial liability should you experience a lawsuit.

Will your home policy protect your family if they get hurt on your property? Generally not. This coverage is provided most often by your family’s health insurance.

Protect Your Home

Give us a call today to answer your any questions you may have. Our experienced advisors can create an affordable home insurance plan that works best for your specific needs.

Important Home Insurance Tips To Remember While Researching Coverage

Insurance Solutions serves the residents of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. We can help you select an affordable policy with coverages tailored to your specific needs. Call us today at (833) 359-0725 to get started! We look forward to serving you.

Important Home Insurance Tips

Your home is one of your most prized possessions. Homeowners insurance can cover your house, other structures on your property, personal property, and additional expenses you may have in the event of a covered loss such as vandalism, fire, or a natural disaster. It’s important to make sure you are fully covered to protect this valuable asset. Our advisors can let you know what coverages are available to meet your needs. Click on the Email an Advisor link at the top of the page to upload your policy for a free review.

Here are some important tips to consider while you are searching for coverage.

Extra Coverage

Depending on your situation, it may benefit you to add extra coverages to your policy or obtain a new one. A standard homeowners policy does not include coverage in the event of an earthquake or flood. Our advisors can provide online quotes for you to consider. Also, if you have luxury items like art or jewelry, we can help get them scheduled separately on your existing policy to make sure they are covered if damaged or stolen.


If you plan to install a swimming pool, consider adding umbrella insurance. This covers you if someone is injured on your property.

South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions Can Help You Protect Your Assets

Call or email us today to learn more about our coverage options. We look forward to working with you to build a homeowner’s insurance package that will fit both your needs and your budget.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?

South Carolina has an beautiful coast and an abundance of waterways. Its residents enjoy water-skiing, fishing and just cruising the day away in their boats! You want to make sure your watercraft and passengers are protected from the unique risks encountered while on the water. Did you know that risks, such as fire or theft, may happen whether or not your boat is in use? If you do not currently have boat insurance coverage, contact Insurance Solutions for a free quote.

Injury Liability

If you are deemed at fault for a boating accident that leads to another individual’s injuries, there is a risk of being sued for injury-related damages. You can potentially shield yourself from these costs by having boat insurance. In addition, a policy can offer coverage to reduce legal expenses that you could incur in these situations.

Property Damage Liability

From mechanical failure to bad weather, there are a number of reasons you could wind up in a boating accident. In the event that a collision is your fault, you are likely to be held liable for any related damages. A boat insurance policy will cover the repair or replacement of any property that was damaged as a result of the accident up to the amount specified in the policy.

Uninsured Boat Operators

If you are involved in an accident on the water caused by someone else, they might have the proper insurance coverage to cover any damages and they might not. If this occurs, it can be beneficial to have your own policy that offers protection for damages that are sustained during a collision with other watercraft operators who are uninsured.

If you would like to learn more about what boat insurance can cover, contact us at Insurance Solutions. We will help you select from available insurance coverages to suit your individual needs.

Who should have flood insurance?

Flooding is a devastating natural disaster. In the last few years, flooding has occurred in places that have never experienced flooding before. Starting this month, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program’s pricing model will take into consideration a property’s unique flood risk factoring in climate change. If you haven’t considered purchasing flood insurance before, this might be the right time to get a free quote from an Insurance Solutions advisor.  

Flooding isn’t usually covered by a standard homeowners policy. Instead, you’ll need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy. It is important that you assess your risk level. What is the chance that your location will experience flooding? In the last few years, cities and towns across the country have been hit by what is referred to as 100-year floods. They usually only have a 1% chance of it happening in any given year.  

Many South Carolinians live on or near a lake, river, beach or other high-risk area where it’s worth considering flood insurance even if your mortgage company doesn’t require it. Insurance Solutions is happy to help explain more about this important coverage. It is sold in two parts; property and contents. Homeowners can purchase one or both parts.

Anyone who thinks they need flood insurance and who lives in a participating community is eligible to purchase it. Flood Insurance is typically purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program. Insurance Solutions offers coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program but also has access to several private carriers that may be able to offer expanded coverages and more competitive rates. If you are interested in a quote, Insurance Solutions has a team of insurance specialists who are ready to help you. 

Do I Need Umbrella Insurance?

There are so many things in life that are uncertain, including the fact that your dog could bite a neighbor or a guest slips down by your pool or patio. Insurance coverage protects us against many incidents; however, auto and home insurance policies may not provide enough coverage in the event you are held liable for another’s injuries, emotional distress, property destruction, or legal expenses. Umbrella insurance provides coverage for claims that may be excluded by other liability policies.

To find out if you need umbrella insurance, call your trusted advisors at Insurance Solutions.

What is Umbrella Insurance? 

Personal umbrella coverage exists to protect you and your family when you’ve exceeded the limits on your existing auto and/or homeowners policy. Consider this scenario: You’re sued and found liable for $1 million in damages for an incident on your property yet your homeowners insurance policy only covers $400,000 of liability. Do you have the remaining $600,000 in your bank account? Most people cannot afford that kind of judgment. An umbrella policy would cover the remaining amount without putting your assets at risk.

Do You Need Umbrella Insurance? 

When deciding if you need an umbrella insurance policy or not, you need to look at your assets and financial situation. You can select a limit of liability that best protects your assets, usually up to $5 million. Do you own a boat, a motorcycle, or an RV. Umbrella insurance is not just for wealthy individuals. It’s for anyone who wants to protect the lifestyle they’ve worked so hard to build – including you!

For additional information about umbrella insurance in South Carolina, call Insurance Solutions today. Our advisors can review your particular situation and help you decide on the options available to safeguard your lifestyle.

2 Reasons Why Auto Insurance is Important

From making the payments to routine maintenance, owning a vehicle comes with a lot of responsibilities. If you are thinking about buying a vehicle, one of the most important things you can’t overlook is maintaining the required automobile insurance. It is common for people to think that paying their auto insurance premiums is a waste of money, a cost that they may never reap the benefits of. However, this is far from being the actual fact. Automobile insurance provides you with more benefits than you may realize. South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions has gathered two of the reasons why auto insurance is important for the residents of South Carolina.

It is the Law

It is a legal requirement that vehicle owners carry at least the minimum amount of coverage. Liability insurance is the minimum type of coverage required by the law, which covers damages to the other party if the damage is caused by you. Although liability is the minimum required, you may want to purchase additional coverage or increase your coverage limits. Full coverage protects you as well as passengers, injuries, damages, and more. Since auto insurance is a requirement in all U. S. states if you are caught driving without it, even in a different state than your place of residence, you are at risk of being fined, arrested, having your driver’s license suspended, and/or having to pay higher insurance premiums later on.

Financial Responsibility

Other than it being a law for vehicle owners to carry automobile insurance, having coverage can relieve your financial responsibilities should you be involved in an accident that was your fault. Getting in an accident is a stressful, scary situation, and the situation can get even worse if you are found to be at fault. When at fault for an accident, you are responsible for the cost of repairing the damages to the other vehicle as well as the cost of medical expenses for the other parties involved in the accident. So, carrying automobile insurance, especially if you have comprehensive insurance will help to relieve the financial burden you may be faced with for another person’s damage or injuries.

Although the minimum requirement by law is a liability, it is extremely important that you verify this is the minimum coverage you are required to carry. If you are leasing or financing your vehicle, comprehensive and collision coverage may be required by your lender.

Contact a trusted advisor with Insurance Solutions to learn more information about auto insurance requirements. We will provide a free review of your current coverages and limits of insurance by clicking on the Email an Advisor link at the top of this page to upload a copy of your policy.

Servicing States

  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina
  • Georgia


Our Carriers

  • Allied
  • Allied Trust
  • American Integrity
  • American Modern
  • ASI/Progressive
  • All Risks
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  • Foremost
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Main Street/Old Dominion
  • Motorists Mutual/Encova
  • National Flood Services
  • National General
  • National Security
  • Neptune Flood
  • Openly
  • Orion180
  • Progressive
  • Safeco/Liberty Mutual
  • Sagesure
  • Slide
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • TypTap
  • Universal Property
  • Utica