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Insurance Solutions

6265 Rivers Ave, North Charleston
SC 29406

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Tips for Protecting Your Car from Weather-Related Damage and Insurance Claims

In addition to our health, our vehicles are one of the most significant resources we can provide for our families. We use them to get to work or for work itself. Our automobiles symbolize something we take pride in and invest a lot in, ensuring they remain functional and safe for us and our families.

At South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions, we understand this and aim to provide you with valuable information on safeguarding your car from weather-related damage and the need to file insurance claims.

With each claim, your auto insurance premiums may increase. Hence, you can take a few precautions to be prepared in case a weather-related disaster occurs, forcing you to navigate inclement weather situations.

Dealing With High Winds, Heavy Rainfall, and Other Forms of Precipitation

When driving during severe rainfall and strong wind gusts, you want to ensure your line of sight remains clear and your steering optimal. Therefore, routinely check your tire pressure for good traction in the rain, ice, snow, or against the winds. Make sure your windshield wipers and headlights are in good condition and functioning effectively to aid visibility during times of low visibility.

On the road, avoid buses, vans, or semi-trucks that are much taller and susceptible to tipping over. Additionally, try to evade deep puddles of water on the road wherever possible. If unavoidable, maintain a steady speed – not too fast to create a wave and lose control, but not too slow to stall your vehicle in the water.

If possible, avoid driving at night to evade black ice from an ice storm or snow re-freezing on the roadways. Also, avoid parking under trees to prevent potential damage from falling tree limbs.

Maintain sufficient fuel levels in your vehicle; don’t let your tank get low. Aim to keep it above half tank level if possible, preventing the need to navigate wet, icy, or snowy roads to reach a fuel station.

Contact Us Today!

If you have questions about protecting your car in inclement weather or need to find the right coverage to ensure your vehicle’s protection from weather-related damage, call one of our experienced insurance advisors today at (833) 359-0725. We are your solution even before issues arise.

Top Tips For Driving in Heavy Rain

The idyllic, small town of Charleston, SC is no stranger to heavy rain. The coastline makes gorgeous scenery in sunny weather, but when storms pass through, they almost always make a stop in Charleston. At South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions, we want to help you avoid having to make a claim on your auto insurance policy.

Here are some top tips for driving in heavy rain:

Apply Rain-repellent Treatment

You can find water-repellent products for your windshield at auto parts stores and other retail outlets. It takes only minutes to apply. This simple and affordable product beads up rainwater so it rolls off your windshield and improves visibility.

Understand Hydroplaning

Hydroplaning is when the tires lose contact with the road due to a layer of water. If you experience this, stop accelerating, steer straight and stay calm. In most cases, hydroplaning only lasts for a brief minute. To help prevent hydroplaning, slow down while driving on wet roads and replace worn tires.

Be Aware of Fellow Drivers

Give other drivers extra room on the road, on all sides. Rain often triggers anxiety in drivers, and they may drive differently. Anticipate sudden stops and erratic behavior from other drivers. Reduce your speed and maintain a safe distance behind other vehicles.

Avoid Standing Water

Drive around large puddles or standing water if you can do so safely. In heavy rain, roads sometimes wash out or leave deep potholes that can damage your vehicle.

Use Headlights

In the Carolinas, motorists are required to use headlights when using windshield wipers in the event of rain, sleet, or snow. Turning on your headlights makes your vehicle easier to see for other drivers. Motorcycles must have their headlights on at all times. Also, make sure your tail lights are in good working condition.

We Are Here To Help

To learn more or for a free quote, contact Insurance Solutions today at (833) 359-0725. We’re here to help, rain or shine!

Does Comprehensive Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage to Your Car?

Hurricanes are a significant risk to anyone living on or near a coastal area of the United States. Comprehensive coverage is essential for anyone wanting to protect their vehicle from hurricane damage in these areas. To learn more about auto insurance and comprehensive coverage, you can count on the insurance professionals at South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions to provide the residents of South Carolina and surrounding areas with quality insurance products.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive insurance coverage protects policyholders from many risks that collision coverage doesn’t. For example, if a hurricane impacts your area and your vehicle sustains damage, the claim may be paid by this coverage type under your auto policy. Other examples of damage coverage offered by comprehensive would be vandalism, damage caused by animals, and more.

If you would like coverage to protect your vehicle from various risks, our insurance advisors are ready to help. We can help you understand what is and isn’t covered by your current auto policy. We also help explain how coverage and vehicle changes to the policy may affect your premium. Should you have a claim, we can get you in touch with the right department at your insurance carrier to report it and answer any questions you may have regarding the claims process.

Reach Out Today

If you would like to learn more about comprehensive coverage for your vehicle or any other products to properly insure your valuable assets, please reach out to us by calling or stopping by one of our offices conveniently located in the Lowcountry, Midlands, or Upstate regions of South Carolina. Contact us today to get the insurance protection you need to reduce risks both on and off our state’s roadways.

The Different Types Of Auto Insurance

Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned pro, it’s important to know the different types of auto insurance and what they cover. Depending on your budget, you can tailor a policy to get the coverage that best suits your needs. Contact an Insurance Solutions advisor for more information.

Here are the different types of auto insurance and what they cover:

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is the most basic type of coverage and is required in South Carolina. It covers damages to other people and property if you are at fault in an accident. There are two types of liability coverage: bodily injury and property damage. Bodily injury coverage covers medical expenses and lost wages for the other driver and passengers if you are at fault. Property damage covers damage to the other driver’s vehicle or property.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage protects you financially if your vehicle is damaged in an accident, regardless of who is to blame. If you have a loan or lease on your vehicle, you are required to have collision coverage. Did you know that vehicle repairs can exceed a threshold of its actual cash value? Let our experienced insurance advisors review your current policy to answer any questions you may have before a claim occurs.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your vehicle that is not caused by accident, such as theft, fire, and flooding. It covers damage to your windshield too.

Contact Us Today

Contact the Insurance Solutions team of experienced insurance advisors to learn more about auto insurance requirements. We can offer information regarding how safe driving behaviors can help you save money too!

Top 5 Distracted Driving Habits and How to Avoid Them

At South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions, we make shopping for auto insurance convenient and affordable. Here we take on an important topic that affects almost all drivers.

Many of us have been guilty of distracted driving at one point or another, and modern technology like cell phones, in-car entertainment systems, upgraded stereo systems, and more make it harder to keep our focus on the road. Below are five quick and easy tips on avoiding distracted driving to keep yourself, your passengers, and others as safe as possible.

Limit Cell Phone Usage to an Emergency: When driving, your cell phone should only be used for an emergency. While hands-free driving technology that is found in every modern vehicle is extremely convenient, it can still cause you to miss key visual and audio clues needed to avoid an accident.

Don’t Drive Drowsy: Drowsiness is one of the leading causes of accidents in the United States. Your ability to react and make safe decisions while driving is diminished if you feel tired or are taking certain medications. Let someone else drive or call a rideshare service to reach your destination safely.

Stay Clear of Food: While it can be tempting to consume a meal while on the go, spilling food or taking your hands off the wheel to grab a bite means that your eyes are off the road and may put you and your passengers in danger. Instead, pull over for the few minutes it takes to eat your food.

Focus on Driving: Whether you have a long commute or make frequent road trips, the more time you spend in the car, the more tempting it may be to take care of other tasks like talking to your friends, text messaging, or finding a new podcast. Be smart and keep 100% of your focus on your vehicle and the others on the road.

Safety First: Protect the lives of any children in your care by utilizing age-appropriate safeguards and keep your pets clear of entry to the front seats. Secure any cargo that may move around while your vehicle in in motion. Always wear your seat belt and drive sober and drug-free.

Contact our experienced insurance advisors today to find out how safe driving behaviors can be rewarded. Depending on your individual insurance needs, multicar or multi-policy discounts, in addition to safe driver discounts, can be applied to help you save money too!

2 Reasons Why Auto Insurance is Important

From making the payments to routine maintenance, owning a vehicle comes with a lot of responsibilities. If you are thinking about buying a vehicle, one of the most important things you can’t overlook is maintaining the required automobile insurance. It is common for people to think that paying their auto insurance premiums is a waste of money, a cost that they may never reap the benefits of. However, this is far from being the actual fact. Automobile insurance provides you with more benefits than you may realize. South Carolina Federal Insurance Solutions has gathered two of the reasons why auto insurance is important for the residents of South Carolina.

It is the Law

It is a legal requirement that vehicle owners carry at least the minimum amount of coverage. Liability insurance is the minimum type of coverage required by the law, which covers damages to the other party if the damage is caused by you. Although liability is the minimum required, you may want to purchase additional coverage or increase your coverage limits. Full coverage protects you as well as passengers, injuries, damages, and more. Since auto insurance is a requirement in all U. S. states if you are caught driving without it, even in a different state than your place of residence, you are at risk of being fined, arrested, having your driver’s license suspended, and/or having to pay higher insurance premiums later on.

Financial Responsibility

Other than it being a law for vehicle owners to carry automobile insurance, having coverage can relieve your financial responsibilities should you be involved in an accident that was your fault. Getting in an accident is a stressful, scary situation, and the situation can get even worse if you are found to be at fault. When at fault for an accident, you are responsible for the cost of repairing the damages to the other vehicle as well as the cost of medical expenses for the other parties involved in the accident. So, carrying automobile insurance, especially if you have comprehensive insurance will help to relieve the financial burden you may be faced with for another person’s damage or injuries.

Although the minimum requirement by law is a liability, it is extremely important that you verify this is the minimum coverage you are required to carry. If you are leasing or financing your vehicle, comprehensive and collision coverage may be required by your lender.

Contact a trusted advisor with Insurance Solutions to learn more information about auto insurance requirements. We will provide a free review of your current coverages and limits of insurance by clicking on the Email an Advisor link at the top of this page to upload a copy of your policy.

Servicing States

  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina
  • Georgia


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  • Allied
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  • Main Street/Old Dominion
  • National Flood Services
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  • National Security
  • Neptune Flood
  • Openly
  • Orion180
  • Progressive
  • Safeco/Liberty Mutual
  • Sagesure
  • Slide
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • TypTap
  • Universal Property
  • Utica